Server Rules

This is our official server rules. Please read! Ignorance does not protect against punishment.

  1. No Spaming
    You are not allowed to repeat the same message or just keep sending useless messages fast. Please keep the chat clean 
  2. Do not advertise other servers.
    This server is not a place for advertising your server. 
  3. Griefing is not allowed
    Please keep the world and buildings clean, and don't touch which you don't own.  
  4. Do not Swear.
    Swearing is completely not allowed on our server. 
  5. Respect all users regardless of their gender, race, religion, country, or disability
    Please be equal and respect each other. 
  6. Inappropriate skins/names/messages/builds are not allowed.
    May Result lead to tempban. 
  7. Cheating not allowed
    May results lead to ban 

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